Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Elland Gravel Pits

Tuesday am. Warm with sunshine and cloud. Good to be there when there are only a few dog walkers and their mutts about.

Species Seen

3 reed buntings.
8 chiffchaff
7 willow warblers
3 blackcap
3 house martin
7 swallow
2 swift
1 kestrel
1 jay
1 heron
1 curlew over heading towards Elland
Plus the usual stuff

9 peackcock butterflies
2 orange tip
3 green veined white
2 small tortoise shell

Ringstone Reservoir

Monday. A quick visit.

1 golden plover.
2 oystercatchers
3 lapwing
2 tufted duck
6 mipits
1 pied wagtail
6 swallows

Plus usual species

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Animals in Wakefield

Like your animals skinned, mounted, or stuffed?
Perhaps there is a big demand in Wakefield for macaque monkey skulls and flying foxes and British birds of prey.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Hardcastle Crags

Visit to the Crags this am for two hours. Not a huge amount showing, not helped by all the dogs and bawling chisellers.

2 nuthatch
6 goldcrest
1 dipper
3 great sp woodpecker heard
1 green woodpecker heard
Plus usual finches, titmice, thrushes and corvids.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Near Hubberton

Out walking yesterday am near Hubberton and over to Blackwood Common. Cold with some sunshine and showers.

Species seen;-

35 golden plover
40 lapwing
2 snipe drumming
4 reed bunting
15 skylark
5 curlew
1 wheatear
50+ meadow pipits
1 swallow
starlings flocking
2 pied wagtail
common gulls

Also, 1 large lagomorph

A good trip.